We live in amazing times. On the one hand, headlines tell us that our world is full of challenges to our health such as lead in our water and toxins in our air and food. However, we are also in the middle of a veritable health renaissance - with breakthroughs in our basic understanding of how to be well, exciting new approaches to nutrition and supplementation, revolutionary new exercise techniques, tools to remediate our air and water, and even strategies to express the full potential of our genes in ourselves and our children.
We believe it is absolutely possible to live vibrant healthy lives in our modern world, but to do so it is essential to cut through all the chatter and noise in order to find the real breakthroughs that allow us to transform our health. This is our mission at HALOLABS.
The original inspiration for what became our HALOmask was to help protect people from air pollution in toxic cities. We have always planned to carry this mission forward to help protect our customers from a variety of environmental threats. Our team has years of experience evaluating products and is dedicated to helping you make the best choices for the health of you and your family. Our philosophy is that we would only recommend products we would take ourselves and give to our own families.
Product Selection Criteria
We look for supplements that are made from whole foods whenever possible, with no unnecessary additives or excipients, grown without pesticides, and minimally processed according to the highest quality standards. Products that really make a noticeable difference.
For items like air and water purifiers, we look for ways to address the full range of toxicity issues that we face today in our modern world, which are increasing all the time. Good air and water purifiers are becoming essential appliances in our day and age, given the often poor state of our air and water. There are many technologies to purify our air and our water - in our experience it takes just the right combination of technologies to create a truly superior product.
In considering products for HALOLIFE, we look at everything from company reputation, philosophy, and integrity, to whether a product emits anything that could be harmful to the user, such as toxic glues or other like materials used in its construction (common in air filters). We have found over the years that there are many ways to make a poor or average quality product, and far fewer ways to make a truly excellent one.
We deeply value good science and studies whenever they exist to inform our product selections. Additionally, the wisdom of traditional cultures, accumulated over millennia, often offers profound insights into many things including the best botanical choices for supplementation - as in the world’s richest source of Vitamin C, Camu-Camu; or the best time-tested ways to grow, harvest and process an ancient food like Maca.
HALOLIFE is a service-oriented company first and foremost. It is our plan in the coming months to shift our company giving toward organizations that are truly effective in remediating our environment and helping create a healthier world for our children. In particular, we are passionate about supporting our children’s health in transformative ways - we will discuss this more in the near future.
Welcome to HALOLABS! It’s an exciting time to be alive. We look forward to journeying together toward optimal health!